videos & slides



  • diego-molina
    Photo of Diego Molina
    Diego Molina Sauce Labs
    Diego Molina

    Sauce Labs


    Diego is a Software Engineer who is fascinated by testing. He is a Selenium Lead. Diego loves enabling testers by creating helpful testing tools and infrastructure through versatile Selenium trainings and workshops.

    He can often be spotted speaking at Selenium/Appium/Testing conferences, and most of the time, you can find him on the Slack Selenium channel. Currently, he works at Sauce Labs as a Staff Software Engineer.


  • erika-chestnut
    Photo of Erika Chestnut
    Erika Chestnut Erika Chestnut
    Erika Chestnut

    Erika Chestnut


    Erika is passionate about quality, culture, and leadership. One of her favorite jobs is helping people turn the box on leadership in a way that empowers them to empower others. ​Through her coaching and consulting, Erika helps leaders, teams, and organizations define standards, develop processes and drive policies that cultivate a culture of quality

  • mark-winteringham
    Photo of Mark Winteringham
    Mark Winteringham Ministry of Testing
    Mark Winteringham

    Ministry of Testing


    Mark Winteringham is a tester, teacher, and author of Testing Web APIs as well as the Ministry of Testing COO/OpsBoss with over 10 years of experience providing testing expertise on award-winning projects across a wide range of technology sectors. He is an advocate for modern risk-based testing practices and trains teams in Automation in Testing, Behaviour Driven Development and Exploratory testing techniques. You can find him on Twitter @2bittester or at /

  • noemi
    Photo of Noemi Ferrera
    Noemi Ferrera Amazon
    Noemi Ferrera



    Noemi is a software engineer passionate about technology and testing. She has been in and out of testing roles and has always strive for quality, automation and tooling creation to ease the entire development process. She has worked in multinational companies (such IBM, Microsoft and Dell) and also in a startup in Ireland. She lived for two years in China working for the giant Netease games.

    Currently she works at Amazon.

Session Speakers

  • alex-rotaru
    Photo of Alex Rotaru
    Alex Rotaru Altom
    Alex Rotaru



    With over 18 years of experience in software testing, Alex Rotaru has worked for the past 14 years at Altom Consulting, a professional software testing and consulting company.

    During his professional career, Alex has taken on different roles in a wide variety of projects, from Antivirus and remote monitoring solutions to medical software. This journey and the collaborations with small, medium, and large companies offered him the opportunity to gain experience in areas such as team coordination, management of customer needs, client support, coordination of remote testing projects.

  • anand-bagmar
    Photo of Anand Bagmar
    Anand Bagmar Essence of Testing
    Anand Bagmar

    Essence of Testing


    Anand is a Software Quality Evangelist with 20+ years in the software testing field. He is passionate about shipping a quality product, and specializes in Product Quality strategy & execution, and also builds automated testing tools, infrastructure, and frameworks.

    Anand is a contributor to the Selenium project, writes testing-related blogs, and has built open-source tools related to Software Testing – WAAT (Web Analytics Automation Testing Framework), TaaS (for automating the integration testing in disparate systems), TTA (Test Trend Analyzer) and teswiz.

    You can follow him on Twitter @BagmarAnand, connect with him on LinkedIn at or visit

  • andrew-knight
    Photo of Andrew Knight
    Andrew Knight Applitools
    Andrew Knight



    Andrew Knight, also known as “Pandy,” is the Automation Panda. He’s a software testing and automation champion who loves to help people build better quality software. In the past, he’s built large-scale test automation projects that run continuously and reliably. Currently, Pandy is a Developer Advocate at Applitools, where he helps folks do the best visual testing they can. He also leads Test Automation University, which offers a multitude of free courses on software testing from the world’s leading instructors. On the side, Pandy is writing a book on software testing, and he also leads development for Boa Constrictor, the .NET Screenplay Pattern. Check out his tech blog at, and follow him on Twitter at @AutomationPanda.

  • bischoffdev
    Photo of Benjamin Bischoff
    Benjamin Bischoff Trivago N.V.
    Benjamin Bischoff

    Trivago N.V.


    After being a game/application developer and trainer for 15 years, I decided in 2017 to make test automation my main career.

    Currently, I work as a Test Automation Engineer (SDET) in trivago's core QA team. My focus lies on the development and maintenance of trivago’s in-house end-to-end test framework and related build pipelines as well as API test automation. Additionally, I provide help with all test automation matters.

    I am the author and maintainer of two open source projects for Cucumber BDD parallel test execution and reporting. Also, I am a conference speaker and write about testing and automation topics on my website 

  • bijoya-chatterjee
    Photo of Bijoya Chatterjee
    Bijoya Chatterjee Sony PlayStation
    Bijoya Chatterjee

    Sony PlayStation


    Bijoya Chatterjee has over 18 years of industry experience in the world of Software Quality Assurance, and is currently the Director of Software QE  responsible for the PS5 UI at Sony Playstation. Her experience ranges from small startups to multinational corporations. With a passion for test automation and customer advocacy, her interest lies in the area of driving testing as a culture (and not as a last resort checkpoint!) for a software release. Her primary experience is in UI automation with tools and frameworks such as Selenium and Appium. Bijoya has presented in various test automation conferences around the world, such as Appium Conf2019, Automation Guild 2020, Saucecon 2019 and many more and was named

  • bonigarcia
    Photo of Boni García
    Boni García Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
    Boni García

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


    I am Associate Professor (with tenure) at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) in Spain. My main research interest is software engineering with a special focus on automated testing.

    I am a committer at Selenium and the creator and maintainer of several projects belonging its ecosystem, such as WebDriverManagerSelenium-Jupiter, and BrowserWatcher.

    I wrote the books Mastering Software Testing with JUnit 5 (Packt Publishing, 2017) and Hands-On Selenium WebDriver with Java (O'Reilly Media, 2022). Moreover, I am the author of more than 45 research papers in different journals, magazines, and conferences.

  • christian-bromann-1
    Photo of Christian Bromann
    Christian Bromann Outsystems
    Christian Bromann



    Founding Engineer at Stateful measuring and improving developer happiness every day a bit more. Open Source and Open Standards Advocate. Cross Project Council member at the OpenJS Foundation representing WebdriverIO.

  • pip-corina-adina
    Photo of Corina-Adina Pip
    Corina-Adina Pip Deloitte Digital
    Corina-Adina Pip

    Deloitte Digital


    Corina is an experienced tester and manager, with a career spanning over a decade. Her favorite activities include: doing automation by means of Java, Selenium, Cypress and other cool frameworks, setting up and maintaining automation frameworks, or basically anything related to testing.

    Her contribution to the testing community include: blogging about testing (, speaking at conferences, doing webinars and trainings (, She also tweets at @imalittletester.

  • david-burns
    Photo of David Burns
    David Burns BrowserStack
    David Burns



    David is the Chair of the W3C Browser Testing and Tools Working group and co-editor of the WebDriver specification, trying to ensure automation frameworks in browsers are interoperable. He was an engineering manager at Mozilla within Developer Experience working on tooling and infrastructure to help make a better web. David has been a core contributor on the Selenium project for over a decade supporting Firefox and the Python client bindings.

  • dmitriy-gumeniuk
    Photo of Dmitriy Gumeniuk
    Dmitriy Gumeniuk EPAM Systems
    Dmitriy Gumeniuk

    EPAM Systems


    Dmitriy Gumeniuk is the Head of Testing products at EPAM Systems, US. a leading global provider of digital platform engineering and software development services. Dmitriy is heading the development of solution accelerators at Test Competency Center, focusing of Machine Learning and AI applicability in testing and test automation. While 15 years in software development, he provided a technical leadership for java development teams and advancing test automation at any scale. Beside of it Dmitriy contributing into DevTestOps local communities by leading local meetups, actively speaking at events in European region, and organizing is a Founder of  DelEx Conference, which aims to inspire DevTestOps practice.

    Dmitriy's portfolio can be known by open sourced tools as , Drill4j, Healenium and

  • eric-frankenberger-1
    Photo of Eric Frankenberger
    Eric Frankenberger Genesys Telecommunications
    Eric Frankenberger

    Genesys Telecommunications


    Former Windows Sysadmin turned DevOps engineer. 

  • ibironke-yekinni
    Photo of Ibironke Yekinni
    Ibironke Yekinni Testify Limited
    Ibironke Yekinni

    Testify Limited


    Ibironke has over 5 years of diverse QA and Testing Experience and has also raised more than 1,000 individuals from zero knowledge in Technology to becoming Professional Test Engineers through Testify Ltd, a QAAS company she founded years ago. Her skills and experience gathered in various testing tools and frameworks for API, Databases, Microservices, Web User Interfaces, and Mobile Testing makes her an outstanding Engineer.


  • jan-molak
    Photo of Jan Molak
    Jan Molak SmartCode Ltd
    Jan Molak

    SmartCode Ltd


     International speaker, author and mentor in software design

    Jan Molak is a trainer, consultant and full-stack developer who spent the last 16 years building and shipping software ranging from best-selling, award-winning AAA video games through high-traffic websites and web apps to search engines, complex event processing and financial systems.

    A prolific contributor to the open-source community, Jan is the author of Serenity/JS, Jenkins Build Monitor and numerous other tools helping thousands of companies worldwide keep their builds green and the delivery process smooth. Jan is also the co-author of "BDD in Action Second Edition".

  • jason-huggins
    Photo of Jason Huggins
    Jason Huggins Selenium
    Jason Huggins



    Jason is many things. Creator of Selenium, co-founder of SauceLabs, inventor of the Tapsterbot, member of the Tech Surge, and an open-source maker man that lives in the future who is here to remind us of how awesome it is, errr, will be.

  • jim-evans
    Photo of Jim Evans
    Jim Evans Selenium Project
    Jim Evans

    Selenium Project


    Over 20 years experience in the computer industry, with over 15 years in software testing, and expertise in automated software testing. Have developed in-house frameworks for test automation, and contributed to open-source testing tools, most notably Selenium (since 2009), the world's largest open-source web automation tool. 

    Over the last couple of years, I’ve been working with some of the great minds that create browsers to develop the WebDriver BiDi Specification. It’s an API, developed and supported in concert with the teams that build the browsers we use every day, with active participation from Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla, among many others.

    I am currently employed by, and live in the Tampa, Florida area of the U.S.

  • josh-grant
    Photo of Josh Grant
    Josh Grant Code Intelligence
    Josh Grant

    Code Intelligence


    Hello, I'm Josh Grant. You may know me from Twitter as @joshin4colours. I've been working in test automation since 2010, working with Selenium since around 2012. I'm interested in test automation, Python and of course - browser testing! I also enjoy dining out and long walks by the lake. 

  • elizaveta-ivanova
    Photo of Liza Ivanova
    Liza Ivanova Salesforce
    Liza Ivanova



    Long time ago in a galaxy far away I started as a Web Software Developer and for tests automation we were using weird and heavy proprietary tools. And then WebDriver protocol and Selenium were born and since then most of my professional interests were around building tools and frameworks for UI automation based on Selenium.

    With my several last employers I was mostly leading a tools team whose responsibility was to build any types of tools that increase development productivity, which is area of my passion. I love having software developers as my customers.

  • maksim-sadym
    Photo of Maksim Sadym
    Maksim Sadym Google
    Maksim Sadym



    Having 15+ years of programming experience, almost all the time I was tightly coupled with testing, and especially web UI testing. I am currently working for Google on Chrome DevTools and Web Automation, and focusing on the WebDriver BiDi protocol, about which you can read in the blog post:

  • manojkumar
    Photo of Manoj Kumar
    Manoj Kumar LambdaTest
    Manoj Kumar



    Selenium Committer and a member of the Project Leadership committee - Selenium.



  • marcus-merrell
    Photo of Marcus Merrell
    Marcus Merrell Sauce Labs
    Marcus Merrell

    Sauce Labs


    Marcus Merrell has written UI and API test frameworks for several products since 2001. He is obsessed with code design and holds sacred the philosophy that test frameworks should be approached, developed, and tested just as carefully as production code. He runs the Solutions Architects group at Sauce Labs, working directly with customers to drive their software delivery pipeline to perfection. He lives in Austin, TX with his wife and 2 boys.

  • michael-mintz
    Photo of Michael Mintz
    Michael Mintz iboss
    Michael Mintz



    Python developer with over 10 years of experience building web automation frameworks for end-to-end testing. Created

  • robin-gupta
    Photo of Robin Gupta
    Robin Gupta Provar
    Robin Gupta



    Robin is a multi-talented engineering leader with close to 15 years of metrics driven approach to
    challenging assignments. He is successful at managing all aspects of delivery vis a vis
    Engineering. Robin has a polymorphic leadership style with fluency in BFSI, EdTech,
    Retail, Healthcare and E-commerce domains. Besides work he is a mentor at ADPList and Plato , and contributes to opensource via Selenium and TestZeus. He is a dad at home and a M.O.M (Manager of Managers) at the office. 

  • roger-abelenda
    Photo of Roger Abelenda
    Roger Abelenda Abstracta
    Roger Abelenda



    I'm a Software Engineer with more than 15 years of experience in development with special focus in developing high traffic and resilient applications. In my career I have played different roles as developer, architect and technical director.

    Today I am CTO at Abstracta, a software quality-focused company. I use my experience and technical background to help different areas of the business, fostering innovation and always willing to help.

    Last year I have been an active promoter and maintainer of JMeter DSL: a new way of scripting performance tests with JMeter fostering collaboration between devs and performance experts and continuous performance testing.

  • ru-cindrea
    Photo of Ru Cindrea
    Ru Cindrea Altom Consulting
    Ru Cindrea

    Altom Consulting


    Ru Cindrea is a senior test consultant and managing partner at Altom. With over 20 years of experience, she believes all testing is exploratory and applies  this mindset to complex testing challenges and when building test automation frameworks. Her focus has mostly been on testing mobile applications and embedded systems, as well as on automating game testing, where she is one of the main developers of the open source AltTester tool. She has been a BBST instructor for over 10 years and she has been working on developing the BBST materials and practical assignments that draw from her past project experiences.

  • sai-krishna
    Photo of Sai Krishna
    Sai Krishna Thoughtworks
    Sai Krishna



    Work at ThoughtWorks as Lead Consultant with 8 yrs of experience.Over the course of my career I have worked on testing different mobile applications and building automation frameworks.

    Active contributor to appium and also member of Appium organisation.


    I love to contribute to open source technologies and passionate about new ways of thinking.

  • shi-ling-tai
    Photo of Shi Ling Tai
    Shi Ling Tai UI-licious
    Shi Ling Tai



    I've been building web applications since the golden era of JQuery. I've released a lot of broken code to production before, and now I'm a strong advocate of TDD. I am one of the creators of UI-licious. My vision is to make the web accessible to everyone on the planet.

  • simon-stewart
    Photo of Simon Stewart
    Simon Stewart The Selenium Project
    Simon Stewart

    The Selenium Project


    Simon is the lead of the Selenium project, and has been for a very long time. He created WebDriver, is the co-editor of the W3C WebDriver spec, and lives in London with his family and dog.

  • sri-harsha
    Photo of Sri Harsha
    Sri Harsha EPAM SYSTEMS
    Sri Harsha



    Sri Harsha is a professional Test Automation Engineer with 9 years of overall experience. He is passionate about testing applications with JavaScript and actively contributes to open-source projects. Additionally, he holds the position of a committer for Selenium and WebdriverIO and is a TLC (Technical Leadership Committee) member of SeleniumHQ.


  • srinivasan-sekar
    Photo of Srinivasan Sekar
    Srinivasan Sekar ThoughtWorks
    Srinivasan Sekar



    Selenium Contributor and Appium Member

  • titus-fortner
    Photo of Titus Fortner
    Titus Fortner Sauce Labs
    Titus Fortner

    Sauce Labs


    Titus Fortner is a core contributor to Selenium project and the maintainer of the Ruby bindings. He spends a significant amount of time writing open source testing software built on top of Selenium. He is the project lead for Watir and is active in supporting these projects on Stack Overflow, message boards and in the Selenium Slack and irc. Titus has implemented automated tests at five different companies and currently works at Sauce Labs as a Senior Solution Architect, working with clients to facilitate testing best practices.

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